Non-NHS Services

The NHS provides healthcare to most people free of charge. There are exceptions; prescription charges for example have existed in England since 1951. the doctors and healthcare team however are required to make a charge for all services that fall outside of the NHS contract.

The services which are not NHS funded tend to fall into two categories as follows:

Those where GP’s can charge their NHS patients:
  • private sick notes
  • some vaccination services such as those required for foreign travel (we are not currently doin these)
  • insurance and holiday cancellation forms
  • passport signing (no longer available)
  • paternity testing
  • fitness to travel letters
  • private prescriptions and dispensing
  • letters and forms regarding fitness to attend some event or undertake extreme sports
  • school fees insurance claims
Those where GPs can charge other institutions / organisations:
  • insurance proposal medical report forms
  • employers requesting vaccination of employees for occupational health reasons
    adoption and fostering reports and forms
  • various medical reports including employment medicals
  • reports for the Dept of Work & pensions (eg Attendance Allowance or Disability Living allowance forms etc)
  • coroners reports
  • cremation forms

Our Non NHS fees are generally in line with BMA national guidelines or less. They reflect not only the cost of a GP’s time but the administrative and overhead costs (like solicitors and other professionals this can be over £200 per hour). a list of typical fees is available and on display at both Health Centres. If you have any doubt about whether a service is free on the NHS or chargeable please do not hesitate to ask.

Dental Emergency/Out Of Hours Care

If you have a regular NHS dentist and need urgent treatment, contact your dentist for advice.

If you do not have a regular NHS dentist, you can contact NHS 111. They can give you details of out-of-hours dental services in your area.

Use the links below for more information.

NHS Choices ‘dental emergency and out of hours care’

Call the helpline on 03330 063 300 or email

Help with health costs

Most NHS treatment is free, although there can be charges for NHS Prescriptions, dental treatment, sight tests, glasses and lenses, necessary costs of travel to receive treatment and NHS wigs and fabric supports. Click on the link here to find out more about possible sources of help if you are on a low income or how to save money if you need a lot of prescriptions but have to pay for them.