Medical education
We are a GP training practice and you may be offered an appointment with a GP Registrar.
These doctors are fully qualified and have had considerable experience in several hospital specialities and work with us to complete their specialist training to become a GP. They have a named and dedicated GP trainer within the practice to guide and support them when needed.
We also teach undergraduate medical students on community placements from the University of Exeter. Sometimes you may be asked if you are happy to see the doctor or nurse with our medical student present. You will always be asked beforehand if this is acceptable and you simply can let us know if you prefer to have your consultation in private. Sometimes you may be asked if you would be happy to see our medical student prior to seeing the doctor. A common theme of the feedback we get from the students is how much they enjoy and really value in meeting our patients and asking about their symptoms and being able to learn good examination technique. We are keen to share what being a GP is like, and what things are important to us and our patients.
Our involvement with medical education is very important to us because we feel it is valuable to invest our time in helping train doctors for tomorrow. We know there is a national shortage of GPs and we would be grateful for your time and support in helping us be part of the solution. We know from research studies that the more time students spend in general practice the more likely they are to choose this as a career. We have several doctors on our current team who have studied medicine or done their GP registrar training locally.
Thank you for your ongoing help and for being part of their education and the bigger picture.